go to start > cmd > ipconfig
copy ipv4 address
forward > add > port80, HTTP
2014年2月25日 星期二
2014年2月24日 星期一
step by step Ubuntu 12.04 install of Realtek RTL8188CE driver (wifi usb)
I am completely new and have never even used terminal before, let alone try install a driver, so while I’ve read countless answers in response to the above problem, I don't even understand when I should press 'enter' in terminal.
My situation is I bought a new Toshiba Satellite C850- F0155 with no OS. Installed Ubuntu 12.04 from a CD. But only way to connect to net is through ethernet cable (i.e. no wireless option). The wireless card is a Realtek RTL8188CE. My Kernal is 3.2.0-52-generic.
I downloaded rtl_92ce_92se_92de_8723ae_88ee_linux_mac80211_0012.0207.2013(1).tar.bz2. I attempted to follow the instructions in the read me file, but i don't for the life of me understand them, nor any others in forums i've poured over.
If there is a kind soul who could help me with step by step (à la idiots guide) I would be deeply deeply greatful.
P.S. I have emailed Realtek with my query but was just sent the same read me file I couldn't understand to begin with.
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The file initially will look like this
we add the line
rtl8192ce to it and it will look like this
Press ctr+O to save it and ctr+X to exit nano editor
There seems to be a bug in the manufacturers driver and in case you are not able to compile it pleaseread this. See the NOTES in the link.
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The driver you're looking for is no longer maintained by RealTek, so I've put it up on GitHub where I maintain it from version to version so that it compiles and works. So far, I as well as several others have had good experience using this driver. You can find the driver here on Github:https://github.com/FreedomBen/rtl8188ce-linux-driver
There are full instructions located on the project page (that link will take you there) and also in the
README.md file that comes with the checkout.
The commands you see in the instructions should be entered into a terminal prompt, and enter should be pressed at the end of each line.
Please let me know of any issues you encounter and I'll try to help.
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The driver for your device comes with ubuntu when it is installed but it can be problematic.
Please do:
2014年2月21日 星期五
Virtualbox boot (dual-boot) partition
In Ubuntu:
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename usbdisk.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda
sudo chmod 777 /dev/sda
sudo chmod 777 usbdisk.vmdk
In Windows:
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename "C:\ubuntu.vmdk" -rawdisk "\\.\PhysicalDrive0"
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename usbdisk.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda
sudo chmod 777 /dev/sda
sudo chmod 777 usbdisk.vmdk
In Windows:
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename "C:\ubuntu.vmdk" -rawdisk "\\.\PhysicalDrive0"
2014年2月19日 星期三
finish() animation
i can override a pending transition just calling after finish();
in my case i have done it to avoid transitions.
Order is important :)
Hope it helps to someone!
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2014年2月18日 星期二
Ubuntu 快速安裝 LAMP Server ( Apache + MySQL + PHP5 )
在 Ubuntu 和 Debian 的 Linux 的系統裡,可以使用一個叫做 tasksel 的程式來執行一整組預先定義好的指令,而在 Linux 中,常常會被需要安裝的 Apache、MySQL 及 PHP 也有預先定義好的指令組給 tasksel 來使用,名字就叫做「lamp-server」,所以,只要用下面的指令就可以一次裝好 Apache、MySQL 和 PHP,而不用一個一個的慢慢安裝哩 !
執行後,接著就會開始自動分別安裝 Apache、PHP5 和 MySQL,其中,在安裝 MySQL 的時候,會需要設定 MySQL 的 root 帳號密碼,需要輸入二次,之後,就會自動安裝到完成的,阿舍在安裝的時候,整個過程還滿快的哩 !
另外,如果有發生找不到 tasksel 的錯誤訊息,請先用下面的指令來安裝 tasksel 囉 !
Read more: http://www.arthurtoday.com/2010/04/lamp-server-apache-mysql-php.html#ixzz2tfqJUANa
sudo tasksel install lamp-server
執行後,接著就會開始自動分別安裝 Apache、PHP5 和 MySQL,其中,在安裝 MySQL 的時候,會需要設定 MySQL 的 root 帳號密碼,需要輸入二次,之後,就會自動安裝到完成的,阿舍在安裝的時候,整個過程還滿快的哩 !
另外,如果有發生找不到 tasksel 的錯誤訊息,請先用下面的指令來安裝 tasksel 囉 !
sudo apt-get install tasksel
Read more: http://www.arthurtoday.com/2010/04/lamp-server-apache-mysql-php.html#ixzz2tfqJUANa
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